Axiology Lipstick Review | Plantae

My everyday makeup look doesn’t usually involve a lip color, but I’ve been wanting to branch out! I was so excited to try these colors from Axiology.

I found these on Plantae, which is a site that curates an amazing selection of vegan and cruelty-free products. Axiology Lipstick is made with natural ingredients like avocado butter and coconut oil. It’s super moisturizing, but the color doesn’t slide off your lips like some other natural brands. And of course, brilliant packaging is always a plus.

axiology1The gold tube is so pretty! Somehow they designed it to pop up when you click the bottom (sort of like a pen), which makes it really fun to use.axiology2

From top to bottom, the colors here are Instinct, The Goodness, and Devotion. All of them have a shimmery metallic finish.axiology3Instinct is sort of a golden brown color. I always think of nineties makeup with brown lipstick, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. It was really beautiful and the perfect neutral tone! I was surprised at how well this color complimented me.

The Goodness is a blushy pink with lots of highlight to it. Their website site describes it as having a “sea shell shimmer.” This color was a little more in my comfort zone, and could be perfect for an everyday look.

Devotion is a coppery pink tone. At first I thought it would be too bright for me, but it seems a bit more neutral on the lips. It has fun peachy punch to it, so I’m excited to use this one in the spring!

Here’s an example of how it looks on the lips. The color here is “Instinct.”IMG_4023

Axiology has 19 different colors to pick from, so definitely check them out! If you love shimmery lips with lasting color, I think you’ll be really happy with these. I’m definitely excited to be branching out with some new colors. For more natural and cruelty-free beauty products, head over to Plantae.


*These products were sent to me for review. All opinions are my own.

About Allegra

I am an Italian-American dual citizen sharing all about my recent move from Portland, Oregon to Southern Italy. I hope to highlight the journey of finding a home in a new country, and inspire others to embark on their own adventures.

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